Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Post #10

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Do You Teach or Do You Educate?

What a great video! Do you teach or do you educate is a great question. To teach is just to show and explain to the students how to do something. Basically, giving information and instruction and hoping for the best. An educator is someone who gives intellectual moral, social instructions, mentor, experience, trusted, advisor, and guides students in the right directions. An educator not only teaches but make sure that the material that is been taught is understood by their students. When I become a teacher, I am going to be an educator. I want to make a difference in my student lives. I’m going to be the teacher that they can count on to show them the way. I’m not going to just teach my students but I’m going to educate them and lead them in the right direction.

Tom Johnson’s Don’t Let Them Take Pencils Home

It seem like the blog post is trying to say that we should use technology more in the classrooms. I like how he referred to different thing such as students using pencils as pen pals. I think that he is trying to get us to see the importance of a pencil in a classroom and comparing it to technology. We use pencils every day in the classroom because it’s a very important tool, just like technology. To me the same thing you can do with a pencil can be done with a computer.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #9

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“What I Have Learned” 2008-2009 by: Mr. McClung Mr. McClung post was very interesting. I think that it’s good to hear about being a teacher first hand. I agree that teachers should take the time to learn their students personally. In Mr. McClung blog post he talked about a lot of different things a teacher should considerer doing, such as: How to read to a crowd, be flexible, communicate, be reasonable, don’t be afraid of technology, listen to your students and the most important NEVER STOP LEARNING! I really enjoyed reading Mr. McClung post. This post is a very good guide for first time teachers to read. It really teaches a lot that teachers need to know about how to become a successful teacher. When I become a teacher I will be sure to remember the helpful points that Mr. McClung provided in his post. “What I Have Learned” 2009-2010 by: Mr. McClung
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Okay, I really enjoyed reading this blog post! Mr. McClung really set some things straight in this blog post and I must say that I truly agree. Mr. McClung covered a lot of different points in this blog post as well, such as: adapt, the path least traveled, find your school mom and check your ego at the door. This is just a few that he listed but the one that I really liked was don’t lose sight in what’s important. When been a teacher it’s your job to educate your students no matter what. It’s our job to make sure that our students get the education in which their parents are sending them to school to receive. The students are the most important focus, no matter what else might be going on with the teacher. I really enjoyed reading this blog post as well as the other one, because that both teacher things that soon to be teachers need to know before entering a classroom.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

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I must admit that this was a very interesting video. It’s amazing how far we have come with technology and how it is playing a major role in academic; however, as Dr. Miller stated, we have ways to go before we are able to fully use technology in the classroom like he envision. I think one of the main reasons a lot of people are against technology being in the classrooms are simply because they think that the students will use it for the wrong reasons such as: playing games, surfing the web and social networking. This video shows that technology can also be used as a great tool for learning. Technology can be used to make students interested in learning and make learning very exciting too!

The Chipper Series

This video is about a student, Chipper, who lives by the quote "the future is the present," she is a major procrastinator and she wants to be taught so she doesn't have to learn. I must honestly say I’m also guilty of procrastinating at times but I don’t want to be “taught” to keep from learning. EDM 310 is a very great course to take and I don’t mind doing the work, but it’s just VERY time consuming. If I had the attitude Chipper has, I would make it through college.

EDM 310 for Dummies

I think that this should’ve been our first assignment at the beginning of the semester because it basically tells you everything you need to know about the class before really getting started. This video tells the important things about the class such as: Blogger, YouTube, Twitter and Delicious. It tells you how important it is to follow educators on Twitter for important information to advancing your education.

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn

In this video they are really talking about today’s classrooms. I feel that it’s shame that we are not allow to teacher students today using the new way, which is with technology. If we want our kids to be able to keep up with this world filled with this advanced technology we must not ban them from something that can benefit them with their education.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

 Source Symbaloo
This is a screen shot of my Personal Learning Network. It is still a work in progress, but so far I have found it to be helpful. As you can see I have many different blogs. I used to make my PLN. After watching the video about the seventh grade student's PLN it made me want to work on my own. Mine is not at her level yet, but as I said before I will keep working on what I should add and replace because technology changes everyday, therefore what I will need will also change over time.

My Short Movie

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch is such an inspiration to anyone who watches this video. In this video, he talks about his dreams, him helping others achieving their dreams, and the lessons he’s learned along the way. Randy did so much in his life that others could only dream of doing because he was driven by his own motivation, something we all should have.
During his video he stated a lot of different quotes that really makes you think. One of them is” When you’re screwing up and no one is saying anything anymore that means they have given up on you.” This is very true! When someone stops saying something it’s time to worry because truly they have given up on you. Instead of getting angry at people when that are getting on to you about something, you need to accept their criticism and grow from it because in the long run it will make you a much better person.
“ Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.” I really agree with Randy!!! If we want something bad enough no matter what kind of obstacles get in our way, if you really want something you will do whatever it takes to get it, nothing will stand in the way of you getting it. This motivation is very good to have to insure that you have a happy successful stress free life. As teachers we should teach our students how to motivate themselves to never give up and it they really want something that they should never give up.

I really enjoyed watching this video because it was very inspiriting to me. After watching this video I can honestly say that I have learned a lot from it. I plan to shear everything that I have learned with my students one day.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blog Post #6

This video was very informative regarding the use of connectivity in the classroom. It talked about a high school student that his teacher hardly ever lectures. They learn through the connectivity of PLN's, Blogs, Podcasts, and other types of resources. Through these resources, they have had access to some of the best professors out there. They even keep a virtual textbook. I thought that was very unique.
The question, "Why is a teacher needed for this type of learning?" It talks about how teachers are there for many reasons. Teachers are there to show the students how to build their network, to provide guidance whenever help is needed. Teachers are to teach the students how to communicate properly and help them organize their information. After taking Dr. Stranger’s course I will be prepared to teach "networked students.

Welcome to My PLE
In this video a 7th grader gives a tour of her personal learning environment, PLE or PLN. She shows how all of her classwork tabs are together and all her personal tabs are together. I was very amazed at all the things she used in her PLE. She also had blogs reflections of what she is or has done in class. For one of her science project she opened one of her color coded tabs and showed how she has all of her information on the box jellyfish together. During the video she also showed how a PLE is useful for citing you’re sourced in a research project. I really think that this is a great way to keep different things organized.

The Hangout Podcast "Burp Back" Edu

Saturday, October 1, 2011

C4K Summary Post

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>During the month of September, I had the honor of reading and commending on several kids blogs from different grades and I must say that they were very interesting. They gave me a chance to learn a lot about them. In they blog they talked many things such as: their interest, book, school and things that go on around them. I really enjoyed reading and learning a little about each kid blog that I was assign to and excited about reading more.