Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #9

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“What I Have Learned” 2008-2009 by: Mr. McClung Mr. McClung post was very interesting. I think that it’s good to hear about being a teacher first hand. I agree that teachers should take the time to learn their students personally. In Mr. McClung blog post he talked about a lot of different things a teacher should considerer doing, such as: How to read to a crowd, be flexible, communicate, be reasonable, don’t be afraid of technology, listen to your students and the most important NEVER STOP LEARNING! I really enjoyed reading Mr. McClung post. This post is a very good guide for first time teachers to read. It really teaches a lot that teachers need to know about how to become a successful teacher. When I become a teacher I will be sure to remember the helpful points that Mr. McClung provided in his post. “What I Have Learned” 2009-2010 by: Mr. McClung
 Source Google Images
Okay, I really enjoyed reading this blog post! Mr. McClung really set some things straight in this blog post and I must say that I truly agree. Mr. McClung covered a lot of different points in this blog post as well, such as: adapt, the path least traveled, find your school mom and check your ego at the door. This is just a few that he listed but the one that I really liked was don’t lose sight in what’s important. When been a teacher it’s your job to educate your students no matter what. It’s our job to make sure that our students get the education in which their parents are sending them to school to receive. The students are the most important focus, no matter what else might be going on with the teacher. I really enjoyed reading this blog post as well as the other one, because that both teacher things that soon to be teachers need to know before entering a classroom.


  1. This sounds like a really interesting blog. I love to learn and am always trying to learn something new everyday. I love everything from the most mundane knowledge of what WD40 means to what the next idea about the physics of a far way galaxy. The ability to read a crowd has been the second most difficult thing I have had to learn, first being algebra. I can tell you though that it has been one of the most valuable lessons that I have ever learned. He is right about the kids being the most important they are the future and we as teachers need to make sure that they know that and how to succeed. I would like to add one thing to what he said, when I first told the teacher who inspired me to become a teacher that I was thinking about the career he told me:"There are educator and then there are teachers, anyone can stand in front of a class and say that "X+Y=Z" but only a teacher can make the student understand what "X+Y=Z."" It took me a while to understand this abstract idea. I finally got it when I helped teach a lab study session, the students all did really well and they thanked me for helping them learn the material and not to just be able to regurgitate it. In short make sure you can follow a few criteria: learn what your kids need, follow what Mr. Mclung said, and become a teacher not an educator. If we can all do this then there is no way that our students cannot become the future leaders of the growing crowd of followers.

  2. Latisha,

    I can really tell that you got a lot from reading about what Mr. McClung had to say. His posts were full of great advice and tips for new teachers. This was one of my favorite assignments to read in EDM simply because it was so informative about some of the realistic things that new teachers will experience.


    Rebekah Lloyd

  3. Latisha,
    I can tell that you really enjoyed what Mr. McClung had to say about his years in the education field. I also agreed with how helpful his posts will be when we enter our own classroom. The most important post that I got from him was the necessity to strive to do what we feel is right for our students and not worry too heavily with what our fellow teachers and administrators will think. I love how much he focuses on what the students receive out of his lessons. Isn't that what we're there for?! Which part did you find the most helpful?
