Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Post #10

 Source Google Images

Do You Teach or Do You Educate?

What a great video! Do you teach or do you educate is a great question. To teach is just to show and explain to the students how to do something. Basically, giving information and instruction and hoping for the best. An educator is someone who gives intellectual moral, social instructions, mentor, experience, trusted, advisor, and guides students in the right directions. An educator not only teaches but make sure that the material that is been taught is understood by their students. When I become a teacher, I am going to be an educator. I want to make a difference in my student lives. I’m going to be the teacher that they can count on to show them the way. I’m not going to just teach my students but I’m going to educate them and lead them in the right direction.

Tom Johnson’s Don’t Let Them Take Pencils Home

It seem like the blog post is trying to say that we should use technology more in the classrooms. I like how he referred to different thing such as students using pencils as pen pals. I think that he is trying to get us to see the importance of a pencil in a classroom and comparing it to technology. We use pencils every day in the classroom because it’s a very important tool, just like technology. To me the same thing you can do with a pencil can be done with a computer.


  1. Latisha,
    I love your summaries of the video and the blog post. I, too, hope that I am an "educator." There really is nothing more rewarding than touching the lives of students in a positive way.

    I would have liked to have had links to the video and blog post, so I too could view them. Is the video available on line, or was it something you watched in class?

    Thanks for writing. I like the theme on your blog, too!


  2. "An educator not only teach but make sure..." teaches, not teach and makes, not make.
    "I want to make a different in my student lives." make a difference not a different.

    You got the metaphor. Congratulations.

    Special Assignment #1

    Write a post about why we use metaphors. Give examples in history and literature and even EDM310. Due Sunday November 20, 2011.

  3. Latisha,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I always enjoy reading what other students think about the assignment. Most of the time I found out things that I did not pick up on the first time. I agree with you about not only teaching your students but educating them. I'm glad to see you understood the metaphor in Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home, because I didn't, but I think I was able to understand it a little better after reading your blog post about. Great blog post, just remember to proof read your work there were a couple of errors. Keep up the good work!
