Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

Source Google Images

I must admit that this was a very interesting video. It’s amazing how far we have come with technology and how it is playing a major role in academic; however, as Dr. Miller stated, we have ways to go before we are able to fully use technology in the classroom like he envision. I think one of the main reasons a lot of people are against technology being in the classrooms are simply because they think that the students will use it for the wrong reasons such as: playing games, surfing the web and social networking. This video shows that technology can also be used as a great tool for learning. Technology can be used to make students interested in learning and make learning very exciting too!

The Chipper Series

This video is about a student, Chipper, who lives by the quote "the future is the present," she is a major procrastinator and she wants to be taught so she doesn't have to learn. I must honestly say I’m also guilty of procrastinating at times but I don’t want to be “taught” to keep from learning. EDM 310 is a very great course to take and I don’t mind doing the work, but it’s just VERY time consuming. If I had the attitude Chipper has, I would make it through college.

EDM 310 for Dummies

I think that this should’ve been our first assignment at the beginning of the semester because it basically tells you everything you need to know about the class before really getting started. This video tells the important things about the class such as: Blogger, YouTube, Twitter and Delicious. It tells you how important it is to follow educators on Twitter for important information to advancing your education.

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn

In this video they are really talking about today’s classrooms. I feel that it’s shame that we are not allow to teacher students today using the new way, which is with technology. If we want our kids to be able to keep up with this world filled with this advanced technology we must not ban them from something that can benefit them with their education.


  1. Hey Latisha!
    I am glad that you enjoyed the video by Mr. Miller. I could not get into the video. I admire you for getting the message. I agree with you that watching the EDM310 video should have been required in the beginning fortunately for me I did watch it in the beginning and again today for a to get a little refreshed. Try to proof read for a few grammatical errors. It happens to me too. I wish you good luck in your career and EDM310.
    Thank you,

  2. Latisha,

    Mr. Miller’s video is very interesting, I am glad that you liked it. I see that you did the other videos, but it is extrememly hard to differentiate which assignments you completed because of the confusing construction. Please, please, PLEASE separate your evaluations of each item by paragraphs. It helps the staff out when we need to read it =) Thank you!

